Case Study

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The SMM Legal law firm, known for its innovative approach to solving complex legal issues, has embraced an innovation that will revolutionize the way it communicates with clients.


How to convince clients to choose the firm? Even if a website showcases impressive project descriptions, few visitors explore every section in detail. Clients need quick, precise, and convenient access to information.


After a successful legal collaboration with SMM Legal, we came up with the idea of creating an AI-powered assistant—a chatbot that seamlessly combines technology with the firm's unique expertise.

Thanks to close cooperation with the SMM Legal team, who provided key insights into their operations, we developed a tool that:


The new SMM Legal chatbot serves as an intelligent business card, merging functionality with convenience. It is the first AI tool of its kind in Poland’s legal industry, providing clients with easy access to key information and significantly reducing the time required to establish contact.